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Frequently Asked Questions

I'm unhappy with my grade. What can I do?

"I received an unsatisfactory grade – what is it, and what can I do about it?"

If the exam result is negative, you have the option to request the annulment of the examination if the examination procedure showed a "schweren Mangel" (serious defect.) The exact definition of a serious defect is not specified in the legal text – it could include a missing grading scale, unsuitable conditions during the exam (too loud, inadequate workspace, etc.), a lack of examination protocol in commission examinations, and similar issues.

"I received a passing grade – what is it, and what can I do about it?"

As students, you have the option to appeal against negative decisions made by the University of Vienna. Unfortunately, according to § 79 Abs. 1 of the University Act, you cannot appeal against positive examination results.

"To whom should I address my complaint?"

Once you receive your decision, you can check the legal remedies information, which specifies where to send your complaint and the deadline for submission.

Office for Education and Politics

Referat für Bildung und Politik

I received an "X" – what is it, and what can I do about it?

If you are caught cheating during an examination (copying, using cheat sheets, etc.), you will not receive a grade but an "X." This "X" stands for "fraudulent performance," and its meaning is explained in the legend on your transcript. The examination attempt with an "X" counts as one of your retake attempts. Additionally, if it is discovered or suspected after the assessment that cheating occurred, an "X" may be recorded. In this case, the examination is annulled and deemed void. On your transcript, you will see an "N" in such cases, and this also counts as an attempt. If suspicions of cheating arise after the examination but before the grade is recorded, instructors must promptly inform the students involved that an "X" will be recorded. If you find yourself in this situation and believe you were wrongly accused, you can file a complaint with the Office of the Academic Dean. They will investigate whether the suspicion was justified or if the use of unfair aids or similar actions can be proven.

This applies to courses with continuous assessment as well. Whether one or all partial performances were fraudulently obtained does not matter – even one case of fraud will result in the entire course being classified as fraudulent. Plagiarism, which involves appropriating someone else's intellectual property, is a common reason for receiving an "X," particularly in courses with continuous assessment. Therefore, proper citation is essential, and it's a valuable tip!

Office for Education and Politics

Psychological Support for Students

An increasing number of students are experiencing various types of psychological problems. That's why the Student Union (ÖH), in collaboration with the Association for Psychotherapy, offers the ÖH-Helpline. The initial consultation is anonymous and conducted over the phone, and further therapy steps can be arranged afterward.


Additionally, there are Psychological Counseling Centers for Students, which are service facilities provided by the Ministry of Science to support students and prospective students.

If you are a student at a university or college, or if you are interested in pursuing such studies, you can avail yourself of the services of these institutions. The support is free, confidential, and can be anonymous if you prefer.

Psychological Student Counseling Vienna

University of Vienna Performance Scholarships

Performance scholarships at the University of Vienna in accordance with §§ 57-61 StudFG (Austrian Study Support Act)

Performance scholarships are intended to recognize outstanding academic achievements. Typically, announcements for these scholarships are made at the end of an academic year. The evaluation encompasses the entire academic performance within a specific academic year (from October 1st to September 30th of the following year). The announcement for the 2023/24 academic year is expected to take place in October 2024.

Application deadline: will be announced here

Announcement (only in German) will be announced here

Application through u:space

For more information (only in German)

University of Vienna Performance Scholarships funded by the Foundations for Law Students

This performance scholarship recognizes outstanding academic achievements within a calendar year (January 1st - December 31st) by students in the diploma program of Law.

Application deadline: Please refer to the announcement

Announcement: Expected in the summer semester of 2025

Application through u:space

For more information

University Theses Server

University Theses Server

... a service provided by the University Library of Vienna for students

Since 2008, graduates of the University have had the opportunity to upload their theses and dissertations written at the University of Vienna to the University Theses Server.

This allows graduates to publish their theses and dissertations, provided no legal regulations are violated.

The University Theses Server offers the possibility to make these final papers available worldwide. The ability to cite them is ensured through a permanent and stable internet address.

You can find all information about the University Theses Server at: u:theses

How does the registration system work?

In the course directory u:find, you can register for courses during the registration period, which varies for each study program. To do this, simply follow the registration link, which will redirect you to u:space. You may need to log in to u:space if you haven't already. In the next step, you will select the study program for which you want the course to be credited and the study plan point, i.e., the module in your study plan, to which the course should be assigned. u:space usually does this automatically, but sometimes you may need to enter it manually.

For courses with continuous assessment (prüfungsimmanente LVs), there are two different systems for allocating course places: the preference system and the points system. The system you need to use depends on your study program.

In the preference system, you select one or more parallel events for each course with continuous assessment, which means different time slots that you can prioritize up or down, depending on your preferences.

The points system works differently. Each semester, you have 1000 points to distribute among individual courses. The more points you allocate to a course, the higher its priority.

Finally, click "save." At the end of the registration period, you will receive an email notification informing you whether you have been admitted to a course or not.

If you have obtained a place in a course with continuous assessment, you must attend the first session (or be excused) to secure your place. If you are placed on a waiting list for a course but still want to participate, it is recommended to attend the first session anyway. This is because remaining slots are often allocated during the first session, and course capacities may be increased by up to one-third.

Office for Education and Politics

Scholarships of the University of Vienna for Research Support

Announcement of scholarships of the University of Vienna according to §§ 63-67 StudFG

Twice a year, scholarships are announced to support research work by students. The basic requirement is the execution of a diploma thesis, master's thesis, or dissertation that has not yet been completed. There is no legal entitlement to a scholarship.

Application deadline: will be announced here

Announcement (only in German): will be announced here

Application form for 2024 will be announced here

Information sheet

Further information: Research Support Scholarships

Extension Curricula / Alternative Extensions

A list of currently offered extension curricula can be found on the University of Vienna's website. Extension curricula can also be supplemented or replaced by alternative extensions.

Office for Education and Politics

Academic year

Summer semester 2024

Beginning of semester: 1 March 2024

Beginning of classes: 1 March 2024

Application period: from 15 November 2023 to 5 February 2024

Special admission deadlines for individual studies

Grace period for the admission period: from 6 February to 31 March 2024

Easter break: from 25 March to 7 April 2024

Whitsun break: from 18 to 20 May 2024

No classes: 12 March 2024

End of classes: 30 June 2024

Summer break: from 1 July to 30 September 2024

End of semester: 30 September 2024

Winter semester 2024/25

Beginning of semester: 1 October 2024

Beginning of classes: 1 October 2024

Application period : from 10 June to 5 September 2024

Special admission deadlines for individual studies

Grace period for the admission period: from 6 September to 31. October 2024

No classes: 2 November 2024

Christmas break: from 18 December 2024 to 6 January 2025

End of classes: 31 January 2025

Semester break: from 1 to 28 February 2025

Summer semester 2025

Beginning of semester: 1 March 2025

Beginning of classes: 1 March 2025

Application period: from 11 November 2024 to 5 February 2025

Special admission deadlines for individual studies

Grace period for the admission period: from 6 February to 31 March 2025

Easter break: from 14 to 27 April 2025

Whitsun break: from 7 to 9 June 2025

No classes: 12 March 2025

End of classes: 30 June 2025

Summer break: from 1 July to 30 September 2025

End of semester: 30 September 2025