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Funding by StVen|FVen|ZVen

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About the Fund

Project Funding - Private Initiative | Associations

Degree program representatives, faculty representatives, and center representatives at ÖH Uni Wien can provide financial support for students and associations initiated or led by students in their projects and initiatives. After project funding is approved, the accounting is carried out by the Economics Department of ÖH Uni Wien.

Below, you will find the application forms, as well as a fact sheet for accounting.



Projects funded by degree program representatives, faculty representatives, and center representatives should address topics relevant to students or should primarily be initiated by students.

Projects should adhere to the basic consensus and be free from any form of discrimination.

Not funded:

  • alcoholic beverages
  • fuel expenses

Project Applications

The application for funding, "Project Funding by FVen/ZVen/StVen - Private Initiative" or "Project Funding by FVen/ZVen/StVen - Associations," should be completed electronically.

The application should cover the following points

  • Information about the organizers
    • Project title
    • Organizer/organization
    • Name of the contact person, address, phone, email
  • Project description
    • Subject of the project, e.g., study, event, etc.
    • Brief description
    • Workflow
    • Planned publications
  • Cost analysis, financing plan
    • Expenses: Total cost breakdown with all project expenses (personnel and material costs, etc.)
    • Income: Grants (applied for and approved) from other institutions, advertising partnerships, project proceeds (e.g., sale of publications, tickets, etc.)
    • Requested funding from ÖH
  • Additional information
    • Attached documents


The fully completed and signed application should be sent to the relevant degree program representative/faculty representative/center representative as a scanned email attachment or submitted in person. For association funding applications, a copy of the association's ZVR (Central Register of Associations) extract is required. If necessary, you, as the applicant, may be invited by the respective committees to present the project proposal. Based on the decision-making structures of the degree program representative/faculty representative/center representative, you will receive an approval or rejection of funding or the amount of partial funding from the respective committee. If funding is approved, the requesting body is responsible for signing the submitted application and bringing it to the ÖH Uni Wien Secretariat.

Procedure for Private Initiatives

Once the project application has reached us, it will also be signed by our chairperson and chair of the economics department since ÖH Uni Wien manages the budget of the degree program representative/faculty representative/center representative. If everything is in order, the economics department will contact you with the details of the settlement (hence the need for a phone number and email address). You will receive a project number and must submit the necessary documents to us within three months after the end of your project or by the end of our fiscal year on June 30.

  • Please check if your project might fall under one of the other (project) funding pots (otherwise, we may refer you to one of the other pots, resulting in valuable time lost).
  • Fill out the project application (Important: It needs a contact person with a phone number AND email address and a meaningful project description. If it is an organization, please also indicate this.)

Procedure for Associations

Once the project application has reached us, it will be signed by our chairperson and chair of the economics department since ÖH Uni Wien manages the budget of the degree program representative/faculty representative/center representative. If everything is in order, the approved funding amount will be disbursed to the applicants. Upon completion of the funding agreement, the association must maintain records of the use of funds from the University of Vienna Students' Union (hereinafter referred to as the "funding body") and retain all original receipts. The association is responsible for the appropriate use of the funds for the funded project, taking into account any conditions set by the funding body. The use of the funds must be verifiable for at least two years continuously after the conclusion of the project. Within this verification period, the funding body reserves the right to request all original receipts paid with the help of the funds, as well as a final report and a final income and expenditure statement for the entire project. In the event of funding approval, the approved amount will be transferred to the provided bank account of the association; the funding agreement, including any conditions set by the funding body, is thereby considered concluded. The signed funding agreement will remain with the funding body, and upon request, a copy will be provided to the responsible contact person in the association.

Implementation and Accounting Principles

The University of Vienna Students' Union reserves the right to request original receipts for all project expenses.

  • You are responsible for submitting the invoices to ÖH Uni Wien in a timely manner (please submit the invoices within a maximum of 3 months after the decision, unless explicitly agreed otherwise).
  • You are responsible for determining which invoices are submitted for a particular project (once the approved sum for a project has been paid out, we cannot accept additional invoices, so coordinate who submits which invoices).
  • We do not grant "blanket funding," meaning that each funding amount requires an invoice.


The disbursement of approved funding will only take place under the following conditions:

  • Submission of original receipts for the approved funds by the committee
  • Providing bank account details, account number, bank code, and account holder
  • Using gender-sensitive language (printed materials)
  • Possible use of the logo of the respective StV/FV/ZV

Questions and Contact for Accounting

Email to:

Forms and logos (german)

Ausgabenrefundierung durch Überweisung (PDF)

Mit diesem Formular hat die Abrechnung aller Ausgaben, die vorab von der jeweiligen Empfänger_in getätigt wurden, zu erfolgen. Original-Belege und zugehörige Zahlungsbestätigungen sind im eingerahmten Bereich auf Seite 2 anzuheften. Für jeden Original-Beleg ist ein genauer Verwendungszweck anzugeben (z.B.: NICHT ausreichend wäre "Verpflegung" als Zweck bei einer Rechnung über einen Lebensmitteleinkauf). Es gelangen nur Original-Belege für Ausgaben, deren Zweckmäßigkeit glaubhaft gemacht werden konnte und die den Erfordernissen des Umsatzsteuergesetzes entsprechen, zur Auszahlung.

Projektförderungen durch FVen/ZVen/StVen - Private Initiative (PDF)

Mit diesem Formular können durch private Initiativen (keine juristischen Personen) bei Fakultäts-, Zentrums- und Studienvertretungen, die diverse Projekte und Initiativen unterstützen, finanzielle Mittel für die Durchführung und/oder Förderung von Projekten beantragt werden. Es ist computergestützt auszufüllen und dem jeweiligen Organ/Förderstelle zu übermitteln.

Projektförderungen durch FVen/ZVen/StVen - Vereine (PDF)

Mit diesem Formular können durch Vereine (juristische Personen) bei Fakultäts-, Zentrums- und Studienvertretungen, die diverse Projekte und Initiativen unterstützen, finanzielle Mittel für die Durchführung und/oder Förderung von Projekten beantragt werden. Es ist computergestützt auszufüllen und dem jeweiligen Organ/Förderstelle zu übermitteln.

ÖH Uni Wien Logo black font (PNG)

ÖH Uni Wien Logo black font is primarily suitable for larger prints such as posters or banners.

ÖH Uni Wien Logo white font (PNG)

ÖH Uni Wien Logo white font is primarily suitable for larger prints such as posters or banners.

ÖH Uni Wien Logo black font (PNG)

ÖH Uni Wien Logo black font is primarily suitable for larger prints such as posters or banners.

ÖH Uni Wien Logo white font (PNG)

ÖH Uni Wien Logo white font is primarily suitable for larger prints such as posters or banners.