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Social Fund ÖH Uni Wien

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About the fund

The ÖH Uni Wien would like to help students in financial need with funding from the Social Fund. As ÖH Uni Vienna we unconditionally stand for open and free access to higher education. For us, this also means that we are committed to improving the financial situation of students. In addition to financial support, there is the possibility to take advantage of our comprehensive counseling services.

Applications for the 2025 summer semester can be submitted now.

Students of the University of Vienna can apply for a grant once a year. A new application is possible no earlier than one year after the date of the last application.

The following steps are necessary for the application

  1. Read the guidelines for the Social Fund ÖH Uni Wien and the data protection information. Support can only be granted if the requirements set in the guidelines are fulfilled
  2. Fill out the digital application form (below) and upload ALL documents and receipts required here
  3. Open the document Sozialtopf helpful hints and check again if your application ist complete.
  4. You can also use the application form for the social security fund (PDF) and send us the documents (no original documents, only copies) by post to:

Sozialreferat der ÖH Uni Wien
AAKH, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1
1090 Wien

digital application form

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Social Fund

Ausgefülltes und unterschriebenes Antragsformular / Completely filled out application
Lichtbildausweis / Photo ID
Aktuelle/s Studienblatt/Studienbestätigung/Studienzeitbestätigung / Student Form for the current Semester
Vollständige Kontoauszüge der letzten drei Monate von allen Konten, die auf deinen Namen laufen mit Kontoendstand (NICHT Kontoumsätze) / Complete bank statements of the last three months with account balance (NOT account transactions)
Weitere Belege der Notlage (Rechnungen, Kostenvoranschläge, Bestätigung des Mietkostenrückstandes) | Other evidence of the financial distress (bills, cost esations, confirmations of residue rental charges)
Gegebenenfalls Bestätigungen über Unterstützungsleistungen von anderen Stellen oder Personen, eventuell Unterhaltsleistungen (z.B. Familienbeihilfe, Studienbeihilfe) / if applicable, confirmation of support payments from other institutions or people (e.g.: child support, study grant)
Gegebenenfalls Geburtsurkunde des Kindes/der Kinder / If any children, birth certificate of them
Datenschutzerklärung / Declaration of Consent

I have read the attached data protection declaration. In some cases, the processing of special categories of personal data may occur. I give my explicit consent to this for the purpose of processing the application and billing.