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Office for Queer Affairs

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About us

Since October 2005 there has been a non-attached and financially independent department for queer affairs at the Vienna University Representation, whose existence and scope of duties are anchored in the statute.

As the term queer already wants to make clear, our presentation is aimed at the concerns of people who feel they belong to the LGBTIQ* community, but of course also at those who do not ascribe themselves to any category or community and yet not in a heteronormative way want to live).

We are committed to a university in which there is no place for sexism, homophobia, biphobia or transphobia. It is therefore one of the tasks of our department to support, inform and draw attention to the needs and problems of LGBTIQ* students. However, we also welcome all those who are not in direct contact with the community or who do not feel part of it, and simply want to help create more acceptance or support their relatives or friends in LGBTIQ*-related matters.

We offer people a contact point and support them in realizing their ideas and projects. We also try to offer financial and organizational support, but we also plan and implement our own initiatives.

We also consider it part of our job to refer people to other advice centers, organizations, events or clubs.

In addition, together with the Department for Feminist Affairs, we look after the funding pot for queer feminist young scientists.


If you need help, have concerns, ideas or just want to find a connection in the LGBTIQ* community, we look forward to your visit!

You are welcome to visit our department during the open consultation hours or call us during the office hours. Of course, you can also contact us by email or message at any time.

Gianluca, Julia, Lisa

Office for Queer Affairs
AAKH, Spitalgasse 2, Courtyard 1
A-1090 Vienna
Tel: +43 (0)1 4277 19569
Mobile: +43 (0)660 6310135

Special announcement:
If you need any help with a legal name changing for the City of Vienna (MA 63), we can provide you with a statement of our Referat, please don’t hesitate to contact us.



We offer councelling at any time via e-mail and telephone as well as during our office hours.

Office hours (summer term 2024): every Monday from 3 til 4 p.m.

We are flexible, so if you don't have time to visit us during our office or counselling hours, please send us an e-mail or a message and we will figure out another date together.
If we don't pick up the (mobile) phone, please send us an SMS, so that we know it's not a scam phone call and we can call you back.