About this fund
The ÖH of the University of Vienna supports scientific work with a feminist /queer /antiracist perspective. Students can apply for financial support when they are writing their thesis (Bachelor, Master, or Diploma) with a feminist /queer /antiracist focus. Publications can also be (co-)funded.
The next deadline is on Thursday the 20th of March 2025.
Please note that the period for submitting applications runs from February the 15th 2025 to March the 20th 2025.
Criteria for application
Scientific works with a feminist/queer/antiracist focus can be financially supported.
All students in Austria who are working on a feminist/queer/antiracist thesis or final project can apply for financial support.
The research (proposal) or project has to clearly show the scientific feminist/queer focus and should not reproduce clichés or stereotypes in any way. The work can also in no way transport racisms, which includes: exotization, reproduction of colonial narratives, anti-Semitic notions, islamophobia, xenophobia, othering, etc. Works that deal with developmental questions, for example, should be based on colonialism-critical perspectives and show how they take into account hierarchies and distribution of power that are connected to these topics. Further, a perspective critical of colonialism and a reflection of the own position and own (for example, white) privileges is required.
A queer-feminist perspective also means an anti-racist position and practice. For applications this means, that we also support works with anti-racism as their main focus, which are more generally positioned as queer-feminist.
Financial support can be given to compensate for costs surrounding the work/project, or as a scholarship. The highest possible amount of support is 1.500€ per person. The Bachelor thesis can be funded with a maximum of 750€ and Master and Diplom thesis with maximal of 1500€. When applying for support, the work may be finished already, but then please elaborate on why the support is (still) needed. In general, works can be supported until six months after they are finished. Also, applicants have to indicate if they received money from this budget before, since the total amount per person is 1.500€. For example, 750€ for Bachelor Thesis, and then 750€ for Master.
The applicant has to indicate whether the work is funded by any other institutions, universities, ÖH, etc. If so, this might be taken into account. Also, the size of the project and the time that is needed for the work is taken into account. For studies that require two (rather short) Bachelor theses, both works have to meet the criteria/guidelines. If the thesis has more than 40 pages, it is enough to just hand in one that meets the criteria/guidelines.
After the work is finished, it needs to be send in digital form (pdf) for our archives. In case an official publication is funded, the Wirtschaftsreferat at ÖH Uni Vienna needs a copy (with the ÖH Logo, see 5.). If the financial support is for a scientific project, where the outcome is not a text, a short documentation needs to be send when it is finished. Finished work can be published on the ÖH homepage to promote feminist/queer scientific research. It should be indicated in the application already, whether or not this form of publication is wanted. Whether it is wanted or not does not affect the amount of financial support.
The application should be send to queer-fem-foerderung@oeh.univie.ac.at It should be ONE PDF DOCUMENT with no longer than 8 pages
The application needs to include the following
- Application Form
- with the Information of the applicant (PDF is at the end of the Page)
- Exposé/ research proposal/ project description
- Title of the work
- Form of the work (Bachelor or Master thesis, dissertation, art project, or similar)
- Size (approximate number of pages that is expected, for example)
- Situation before the work (in the context of the topic)
- Process of work (including methods)
- The general aim of the work
- Literature that is/ will be used
- How long it will take to finish it
- Please also answer the question: What is your queer/feminist basis/reference/position/standpoint concerning this particular work or project?
- Short CV (NO Foto!) including your Educational background and your social position (where and how you position yourself in society)
- List of publications (if applicable)
- Statement of costs (how the fund will be used)
- List of costs for the work/ project
- amount of financial support that is needed
- reasons for why support is needed from ÖH
- financial support from other institutions, indication whether money from this particular budget was received before already
The application can only be considered if handed in in ONE DOCUMENT (including the Application form, preferably pdf or word files).
Deciding on financial support from this budget is the task of ÖH’s Frauen*Referat (women’s*office) and Queer*Referat (Queer*office). Decisions are made consensual. Changes of criteria and guidelines are decided the same way. Decision meetings are held twice per semester. Meetings do not take place when there are no applications or when the yearly budget is exhausted. Applicants will be informed about the decision via e-mail shortly after the meetings.
Mention of ÖH
If an official publication is financially supported by this budget (for example, printing costs), the book has to include the logo of ÖH and the notion “Gefördert von der Hochschüler*innenschaft an der Universität Wien” in its “Impressum” or on another suited page. Please find the logo for download below on this page or at ÖH’s Wirtschaftsreferat.
If financial support is given for something else, logo and writing have to be placed on every printed material of the project, for example flyers.
Apart from the color of the logo, changes may only be made with official permission of ÖH.