About the funding
Are you writing your thesis on a queer and/or feminist or anti-racist topic and need financial support? Here you can find all information about the funding pot.
The next application deadline is Thursday, March 20, 2025, please note that the application period runs from February 15, 2025 to March 20, 2025.
The Students' Union at the University of Vienna (ÖH Uni Wien) supports academic theses and projects at Austrian universities with an intersectional-feminist/queer/antiracist focus. Students can apply for financial support for this.
The funding opportunity is aimed at all students in Austria who write and carry out queer/intersectional-feminist/antiracist academic theses and final projects (which must be completed in order to obtain an academic degree).
A scientific queer/intersectional-feminist/antiracist reference should be recognizable in the work; clichés and stereotypes must not be reproduced. An essential part of the work should consist of a critical examination of power relations. This means that we expect capitalist and neoliberal logics to be questioned, as we are convinced that feminism without a critique of capitalism and science without social and systemic embedding are not effective. As a result, we will not support any work that upholds heteronormative and traditionalist family images and gender norms.
Furthermore, we do not support work that conveys racism, which includes exoticization, the reproduction of colonial narratives, anti-Muslim racism and antiziganism.
For example, works that deal with development policy issues should have a critical view of colonialism as the basis of the work and deal with the associated power relations.
Furthermore, we do not fund works that reproduce anti-Semitic representations and narratives, both in visual and written form, unless this is explicitly done as part of a critical classification.
Funding can be claimed as reimbursement for various costs incurred during the work or as a scholarship.
Bachelor's theses can be funded with a maximum of 750€ and Master's and diploma theses with a maximum of 1500€.
The thesis may already be completed at the time of application, but in this case it must be explained why funding from the ÖH Uni Vienna is being used. In exceptional cases, theses can be funded for up to six months after completion.
Applicants must state whether the project is already being funded elsewhere. Funding from other bodies can be taken into account when calculating the funding amount.
Applicants must also state whether they have already received this funding for a previous thesis or project.
After completion of the scientific work, it must be sent in digital form (pdf) to queer-fem-foerderung@oeh.univie.ac.at for archiving.
The application must state whether publication is desired or not, which has no influence on the award or amount of funding. The finished work can be published on the homepage of the ÖH Uni Vienna in order to promote the dissemination and publicity of research results. You can find the link to the funded work at the bottom of this page.
The following points must be covered in the application
The application must be submitted in the form of a single PDF file to queer-fem-foerderung@oeh.univie.ac.at. It must not be longer than 8 pages and must contain the following points:
- Application form including signature and date (PDF see below)
- Meaningful exposé or project description:
- Title of the scientific work
- Initial situation for your research interest
- Approach (incl. methods) and indication of the expected duration until completion of the work
- Aim of the work
- Summary
- References
- Short curriculum vitae (WITHOUT photo) incl. educational background
- The following questions must be answered:
- Where do you place yourself in society? It is important to us that this categorization reflects a comprehensive reflection of your own social and financial position.
- What is the queer/feminist/anti-racist reference in your work?
- What does your work contribute to feminist discourse? (also for art projects a brief description of the intention)
- List of publications (if available)
- List of costs:
- List of the costs incurred
- Desired amount and purpose of the requested support
- Reasons why funding is being requested from the ÖH Uni Vienna
The feminist department and the queer* department are responsible for handling project applications and deciding on funding and the amount of funding. Decisions on the allocation of funds are made by consensus. Any changes to the guidelines are made in the same way. Plenary meetings on the allocation of funds from the funding pot take place three to four times per academic year. The meetings are omitted if the pot for the budget year has already been exhausted or no applications have been received. Applicants will be informed by e-mail once a decision has been made.
We only fund work that uses gender-inclusive language. If your work deals with purely binary gender concepts, you must provide scientific justification in your application as to why you are doing so. We support work that adds value to discourses and questions prevailing systems of power. Students of the University of Vienna will be given preference if they have the same qualifications. If you are studying at another university, we recommend that you first find out about funding opportunities and scholarships at your university. We only fund travel expenses if they are really necessary (e.g. archive material only available in another city, field research in another location, etc.). If other people (especially in the case of marginalization) are interviewed in your work or similar, we would like them to receive compensation - this can also be requested from this funding pot.
Mentioning the ÖH
If funding is used for the publication of an academic paper, the paper must be marked on the imprint page or in another suitable place with the note “Funded by the Students' Union of the University of Vienna.” (or a comparable note corresponding to the content) and the ÖH University of Vienna logo. You can find the ÖH University of Vienna logo at the bottom of this page.
The logo and/or the lettering must be placed as clearly visible as possible and in a form appropriate to the printed work. Apart from the color, the logo may only be changed with permission!
We look forward to your submission!