About us
The Department for Participation is responsible for the direct connection and promotion of communication and networking between the various bodies of the ÖH Uni Wien.
The Participation Department is also a contact point for student representatives (especially in student representations (Studienvertretungen), faculty and center representations (Fakultäts- und Zentrumsvertretungen), commissions, etc.) and thus forms an important interface between them and the university representation. It supports the representation units especially in communicating with the service units of the University of Vienna (e.g. the Central Informatics Service). In addition, the Participation Department supports the chairperson team in the course of the ÖH elections with regard to student representation-related decisions and their communication.
Student, faculty and center representatives are welcome to contact us by mail at any time with questions or problems. Please send us mails directly from your official StV/FV/ZV email address.
Here we have compiled all important information for student representatives of the various bodies of the ÖH Uni Wien.
Student representatives can use the form (in German) of the Department for Education, Training and Organization to request the technical pool of the ÖH Uni Wien (boxes, amplifiers, etc.) as well as several sets of beer benches and a presentation case and borrow them for free.
Department for ParticipationAAKH, Spitalgasse 2, Courtyard 1, Door 1.10
1090 Vienna