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About us

The chair team of the ÖH Uni Wien consists of Lina, Alexandra and Rebeca.

We represent the students of the University of Vienna in committees such as the University Council, towards the Rectorate and other contact points of the University of Vienna. We coordinate the meetings of the University Council and are contact persons for the representatives of the departments and faculties. Our task is also to represent the ÖH Uni Wien to the public and we are jointly responsible for the budget of the ÖH Uni Wien.

For us, representation work does not only include "committee work" and ÖH bureaucracy, but also socio-political representation. We therefore use our general political mandate to actively fight against existing social inequalities and mechanisms of oppression - not only at the university, but also beyond.
Therefore, we as ÖH Uni Wien take a position on socio-political issues, such as the increasing criminalization of anti-fascism, or the increasing anti-feminism. We see ourselves as a militant representation of the students and draw attention to the realities of their lives.

All in all, we deal with topics ranging from Mensa-Pickerl to police repression, from service contracts to tuition fees, from accounting to campaign planning.
If you want to get more information about our activities, you can read the reports of the last meetings of the university representation.

If you have any questions for us, just send us an email to

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Send originals by mail or hand them in to the porters on the Campus.

Chair Reports [in German]

  • Vorsitz-Bericht für die 1. ordentliche Sitzung der Universitätsvertretung im WiSe 2022/23
  • Durchführungsstand der Anträge zum 21.10.2022
  • Vorsitz-Bericht für die 2. ordentliche Sitzung der Universitätsvertretung im SoSe 2022
  • Durchführungsstand der Anträge zum 20.05.2022
  • Vorsitz-Bericht für die 1. ordentliche Sitzung der Universitätsvertretung im SoSe 2022       
  • Durchführungsstand der Anträge zum 25.03.2022
  • Vorsitz-Bericht für die 2.ordentliche Sitzung der Universitätsvertretung im WiSe 2021/22

You can find further reports from the chairperson's team in the minutes of the University Representation meeting under the section "Minutes" on this page.

University Representation