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I received an "X" – what is it, and what can I do about it?

If you are caught cheating during an examination (copying, using cheat sheets, etc.), you will not receive a grade but an "X." This "X" stands for "fraudulent performance," and its meaning is explained in the legend on your transcript. The examination attempt with an "X" counts as one of your retake attempts. Additionally, if it is discovered or suspected after the assessment that cheating occurred, an "X" may be recorded. In this case, the examination is annulled and deemed void. On your transcript, you will see an "N" in such cases, and this also counts as an attempt. If suspicions of cheating arise after the examination but before the grade is recorded, instructors must promptly inform the students involved that an "X" will be recorded. If you find yourself in this situation and believe you were wrongly accused, you can file a complaint with the Office of the Academic Dean. They will investigate whether the suspicion was justified or if the use of unfair aids or similar actions can be proven.

This applies to courses with continuous assessment as well. Whether one or all partial performances were fraudulently obtained does not matter – even one case of fraud will result in the entire course being classified as fraudulent. Plagiarism, which involves appropriating someone else's intellectual property, is a common reason for receiving an "X," particularly in courses with continuous assessment. Therefore, proper citation is essential, and it's a valuable tip!

Office for Education and Politics