From now on, you can report to us right-wing extremist activities related to the University of Vienna here. You can also report activities of COVID deniers or similar. This includes things like stickers, flyers, or even individuals spreading right-wing extremist, antisemitic, or COVID-denying content.
We have decided to establish this service due to the increased presence of right-wing extremist groups at the university in recent times. On one hand, some faculties have been rediscovered as recruitment pools by these structures. Lecture halls have been flooded with right-wing extremist propaganda material, and a variety of relevant stickers, mostly of a racist nature, have been plastered around. Flyers have been distributed, and individuals who are seemingly interested have been directly approached or recruitment efforts have been initiated. On the other hand, we have received reports of multiple intimidation attempts against politically engaged students, and our staff has also been subjected to repeated threats.
This reporting form is intended as an initial, low-threshold option to actively counter right-wing extremist activities at the university.
For all other concerns or if you prefer to contact us directly via email, you can still do so at You can also find the PGP key on the department's website. This mode is especially recommended if you wish to transmit photos, documents, or other attachments to us securely. (For a brief introduction to encrypted communication with PGP, we recommend this guide.) We collect the reports, attempt to provide concrete assistance with questions or problems, or refer you to the appropriate authorities in special cases. All information will be treated anonymously and sensitively. Once per semester, we will also publish a brief overview in which we summarize the current extent of right-wing extremist activities at the University of Vienna.