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What requirements do I have to meet in order to receive study grants for "Selbsterhalter*innen"?

The main difference to conventional study grants is that your parents' income is not taken into account in the case of a "Selbsterhalter*innen" grant. In order to receive a "Selbsterhalter*innen" grant, however, in addition to the requirements for receiving "normal" study grants (favorable academic success, social need etc.), you must also be considered a "Selbsterhalter*in" within the meaning of the StudFG. The maximum amount is € 891 per month and € 923 per month for students over the age of 27. Surcharges for students with children and students with disabilities may be added.

A "Selbsterhalter*in" is someone who has supported themselves completely for at least 48 months before receiving "Selbsterhalter*innen" grant for the first time and can prove annual income of at least € 8,580 for this period. Periods of civilian and military service as well as activities under the Freiwilligengesetz (e.g. "social year") are considered periods of self-support regardless of the associated income. Also taken into account are those periods in which unemployment benefit ("Arbeitslosengeld"), childcare benefit ("Kinderbetreuungsgeld"), maternity leave benefit ("Karenzgeld"), "Notstandshilfe" or sickness benefit ("Krankengeld") was received, provided that at least € 8,580 per year was still earned.

From the winter semester 2024, at least € 11,000 per year must be proven for the "Selbsterhalt".

In principle, the course of study must have been started before the age of 33, even in the case of a "Selbsterhalter*innen" grant. This age limit may be increased by one year for each full year that you have supported yourself for more than four years, up to a maximum of five years. In addition, more favorable provisions for students with children, disabled students and master's programs may apply.

Department for social affairs