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What insurance options do I have for minor employment (geringfügige Beschäftigung)?

  • Co-insurance with the parents: Is possible up to the 27th birthday and free of charge.
  • Co-insurance with the marriage/registered/life partner: 3.4% of the contribution basis (in the case of the self-employed 3.4% of the profit, otherwise the gross salary of the insured person) of the partner applies to the monthly contribution. No contribution is granted when raising children or caring for a significantly disabled person.
  • Reduced self-insurance for students: You can take out insurance with the ÖGK. The monthly contribution is € 69.13 (2024).
  • Voluntary social insurance for marginal employment ("geringfügige Beschäftigung"): In addition to health insurance, it also includes pension insurance and must also be taken out with the ÖGK  It currently costs € 73.29 per month (2024).
  • Self-insurance: Must also be taken out with the ÖGK and costs € 495.58 per month (2024). This contribution can be reduced to up to € 123.90 per month (2024) upon request.

Department for social affairs