Exemption from the ORF-Beitrag for recipients of a study grant
Recipients of grants according to the StudFG (e.g. "Studienbeihilfe", "Selbsterhalter*innen-Stipendium*, "Studienabschluss-Stipendium", "Studienunterstützung") are entitled to be exempted from the "ORF-Beitrag". Under certain conditions, receipt of foreign aid (e.g. Bafög) can also be presented.
You can also apply for a monthly subsidy towards telephone charges. However, the prerequisite for this is that the household net income does not exceed a certain limit. The monthly subsidy for the call costs can only be redeemed with selected providers in the telecom sector (fixed or mobile network).
The same office (OBS) can also provide an exemption from "Erneuerbaren Förderkosten" („EAG-Kosten-Befreiung“) in connection with the electricity and gas bill. This exemption is also an essential prerequisite for a "Netzkostenzuschuss" (valid until June 30, 2024).
The scholarship notice ("Stipendienbescheid", copy), the registration confirmation ("Meldebestätigung", copy) and evidence of the income of all people living in the household must be enclosed with the application for exemption from the ORF-Beitrag, for the award of a subsidy for telephone fees and for EAG-Kosten-Befreiung.
You can find further information about this and the corresponding application form on the ORF Beitrag Service (OBS) website.